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UDo is an expert advice providing app. With various categories of expertise to choose from, UDo makes it simple to get real time advice from the best of experts. And if you think you are good at your field and want to make passive income by helping users with your expertise sign-up as an expert.
With a great personalised experience, it’s very convenient to use the app. Real time Video, Voice and Chat through the app makes it even more simple. Just select a category for which you need an expert and you get to choose How? or When? to talk.
How does it work?
- Sign up as a user or as an expert.
- Choose from different categories of experts.
- Get connected through Voice, Video or Chat.
- If signing up as an expert wait for the validation process.
- Once you are verified as an expert start helping others by building your own business.
- UDo lets you build your network by connecting businesses.